Our Long-Term Goals

Build A Healthcare Clinic For Sindiru Village
Our ultimate long-term goal for the Sindiru School Project is to construct a small Health Care Clinic capable of addressing the basic health needs of the children. This would involve a modest building stocked with essential supplies and basic medicines that can be securely stored at night. Additionally, a nurse or trained personnel would be available during the day. In reality, the benefits would extend beyond the school since there is no health clinic in the Sindiru area for many kilometers, and there could be days when the services are made available to neighboring villages.
Anything and everything becomes possible when people exhibit generosity of heart. This spirit of generosity has transformed the dream of a primary school in Sindiru into a reality. Will you now join us in preserving and expanding this dream?
To contribute to our cause and support this project, you can make a direct bank transfer using the following details:
BSB: 066 132
Account Number: 10809635
Additionally, you can use the Stripe donation button below. Just click the button and follow the instructions to make your donation safely online.
4 Senior School Classrooms For Sindiru High School
To impart the fundamentals of Reading and Writing, Mathematics, and Science is undoubtedly a significant step forward. However, there will be children who possess both the talent and motivation to pursue their education beyond their Primary years. For these children, continuing their education can unlock further opportunities for themselves and their families.
We mustn't limit ourselves to just Primary School; we need to look ahead to include secondary classes in our long-term vision. Planning for this expansion should begin now, even as we initiate the Primary School phase. Can you recognise the importance of expanding our project? If so, your contribution would be greatly appreciated, as the saying goes, 'What is worth doing is worth doing well.'
To contribute to our cause and support this project, you can make a direct bank transfer using the following details:
BSB: 066 132
Account Number: 10809635
Additionally, you can use the Stripe donation button below. Just click the button and follow the instructions to make your donation safely online.
Senior School Boarding Facility For High School Girls
In a 2021 UNICEF report, it was suggested that women in South Sudan may have the world's lowest female literacy rate. It is a well-known fact that educating women and girls is one of the fastest ways to boost the economy and, even more importantly, one of the quickest methods to contribute to reversing the climate crisis (refer to Paul Hawken's book 'Regeneration').
Girls often have limited access to education due to family responsibilities, early pregnancies, and cultural expectations. Their vital role in assisting their mothers, especially in large families, frequently leads them to be the first to drop out, miss classes, or leave school. This represents a significant loss, and at Ausudan, we aspire to address this challenge.
If children are to continue to secondary education, it is essential to provide girls with some guarantee of protection, and parents must feel that their safety is a priority. Boarding accommodation is one way to offer this assurance while also sending a strong message about the significance of educating girls for the future of society.
To contribute to our cause and support this project, you can make a direct bank transfer using the following details:
BSB: 066 132
Account Number: 10809635
Additionally, you can use the Stripe donation button below. Just click the button and follow the instructions to make your donation safely online.